Cantabile computer fonts ©2000 Harold Lohner

The Alternate font contains a graceful long f in place of the regular one,and a nice set of f ligatures. It also contains special versions of certain letters designed to link with dotless i and other short letters.

For $5, I'll send you that font (both actually) in your choice of formats. (disk or email; Mac or Windows, TrueType or Type 1). Send to:

Harold Lohner
821 Park Ave.
Albany, NY 12208 USA

f ligatures
ligature in place of Mac keys Windows keys
 fj # # #
 ff + + +
 ffi < < <
 fk = = =
 ffl > > >
 fl [ [ (or shift+opt+5) [
 fh \ \ \
 fi ] ] (or shift+opt+6) ]
 fb ^ ^ ^

other combining characters
 r _ _ (or opt+r) _
 g { { (or opt+g) {
 k Ý [dagger] shift+opt+k alt+0160
 v ~ ~ (or opt+v) ~
 w  |  | (or opt+w)  |
 x  [approxequal] option+x or option+2 alt+0197
 y  }  } (or opt+z)  }
 dotless i [regular character]  shift+opt+b alt+0245